When Rachel of Confessions of a Tangerine Tart chose Dorie's Chocolate Whopper Malted Drops, I almost had a fit. I hate Whoppers, not because of the taste but because of the texture. They just hurt my teeth every time I eat them. My original plan was to skip this week's recipe, but I was told by fellow TwDers that the Whoppers soften up a bit in the cookie. I rethought my decision and decided to halve the recipe. I made these when I went home for Labor Day weekend because if they didn't turn out, my dad and brother could eat all the cookies. Not to say my roommates wouldn't eat them, but they actually watch what they eat, so I would still have a bunch leftover. I suppose I could have treated the communication department...
For those of you not familiar with Whoppers, they are malted milk balls. Some countries have a similar product called Maltesers.
Because I didn't want to pay $4 for a small thing of malted milk powder, I bought regular chocolate milk powder. Apparently, the recipe does not specify vanilla or chocolate powder, so the reviews were mixed. Using the chocolate powder makes the cookies extra chocolatey. Some bakers thought it was too much chocolate, so next time they would omit the chocolate chunks. It's really about personal preference. The cookies were very fudgey. I don't know about the others, but mine turned out to be ridiculously soft, but they still held together. I enjoy them best frozen as I do my homework.
When I was buying the Whoppers, I saw peanut butter and strawberry versions. Maybe I'll bake these again with the peanut butter Whoppers.
Chocolate Whopper Malted Drops

Recipe can be found on page 85 of Baking: From My Home To Yours or check out Rachel's blog.
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