Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Marye's Package

Sometimes I wonder how people think. We got at least 5 inches of snow this morning. Every elementary, junior, and high school in the area were closed. Community colleges were closed. Yet, despite the fact you couldn't see roads nor sidewalks or that the wind chill was below 0, my university decided to stay open and have class. Fortunately, 2 out of 3 classes were cancelled from profs who are reasonable and didn't want anybody to die. Finally, we all got an email saying night classes were cancelled. I only have night class on Mondays, so this didn't matter. But at least the school is starting to become somewhat smart. The weather people are calling for freezing rain. So glad I only have one class tomorrow.

Anyway, I bet you all are wondering what Marye sent me in her favorite things package. How about I just show you?

First off, I bet the mail room was jealous because the box smelled so good! I got custom-blend blackberry rose lemon tea leaves, custom-roasted coffee beans, bourbon pecan coffee beans, Godiva chocolates, chai spice tea, and soap from Lush. I haven't tried the tea yet because I do not own a strainer. I believe my parents have a strainer, so the tea will have to wait. The coffee is delicious. I grinded the beans for both drip coffee and espresso. The bourbon pecan definitely has a strong smell because I can smell it every time I open my cabinet door lol The chocolates threw me by surprise (in a good way, Marye!). The first chocolate was milk chocolate on the outside and milk chocolate on the inside, so I thought the dark chocolate one had dark chocolate inside. Wrong! It was chocolate liquor! What a nice surprise while I was studying for my art exam LOL I still have yet to try the bath bombs and soap. Thank you Marye for sharing your favorite things!

Also, you may notice on the right an ad for Food Buzz. They decided to make me one of their featured publishers! All I have to do is keep blogging and display their banner. The best part is if I get enough people to click their link, I get paid! Not a whole lot of money, but anything to help me buy more food. So please, take a minute, click on the banner over on the right, and discover new blogs today.

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