We have the original hostess herself, Sara from I Like To Cook. She had a nice breakfast of Bacon and Apple Rings, from 1976.
Lisa from Lisa's Kitchen made Jalapeno Spoon Bread, the perfect Southern dish to serve either for breakfast or with soup and salad.
Mary from Baking Delights decided to make a Mile High Buttermilk Cake, 1975. If only it were a mile high.
Even though gross eats is in the blog title, Judy's cooking isn't. Unless you hate tuna, this Cheddar Tuna Chowder, 1965, looks yummy!

Although Pittsburgh and Cleveland are rivals, this didn't stop Linda from Cooking in Cleveland from entering. She baked Anadama Bread, which is said to have gotten its name from a bitter husband.
Megan and I goofed when picking a recipe from our bake-off book, so she made it up by baking Apple Harvest Squares, 1964
This is Deb from Kahakai Kitchen's first challenge, and she submitted two recipes from Nancy Drew cookbook - Ivory Charm Shrimp Curry and Fire Dragon Spiced Fruit, 1973.

Being in love with cookbooks, Paula from The Cookbook Junkie had to enter. Despite her watching what she eats, she snuck in her Danish Cinnamon Coffee Cake, 1961.

Mike from Mel's Diner didn't think pre-1980s was considered vintage, but he entered his Boston Baked Beans anyway.

As another Ohio foodie, Becke from Columbus Foodie made Mom's Sticky Buns, 1970.

I decided to make Sweet Applets, 1964, for the challenge.
Thanks again for entering! Stay tuned to the Weekend Cookbook Challenge blog for next month's theme.
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