I apologize for the picture. The lighting in my apartment is absolutely horrible. It's a red book in fairly good use.
Sell it? Give it away? Donate it? As tempting as it was to sell it on Ebay, I decided to give it away, with a twist. Who wants to do a cookbook exchange? It's pretty simple. Find a cookbook in your collection that you don't want anymore, tell me, then I'll mail you mine if you mail me yours. Anybody who is interested, please email me at mooseymoosecc[at]hotmail[dot]com. If you live outside the US, talk to me and I'll see what my budget allows. As a bonus, we could even make recipes at the same time and compare. If you want to know what recipes are in, let me know and I can give a brief overview.
Just a side note: I have the right to refuse exchanging cookbooks if I already own it, I'll never use it (I do not own a slow cooker or a bread machine. I don't own an ice cream maker either, but I'm going to invest in one for next summer), or it has recipes where 75% of the ingredients cannot be bought in a regular supermarket (for budget reasons).
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